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Takeshi Nakano

Attorney at Law / Certified Public Accountant

Partner,  Ishizawa, Ko & Sato Law Office


Takeshi Nakano joined Showa Ota & Co. (currently, EY ShinNihon LLC) in 1991. Takeshi, as a Japan Certified Public Accountant, has over 20 years of audit experience at EY, with experience as audit partner, for listed companies, IPOs and non-benefit organizations. In October 2006, he was admitted to practice law and became a member of the Tokyo Bar Association. As a dual qualified partner in the Legal Department of EY ShinNihon, he counseled engagement teams through various issues where legal and accounting audit intersect.


Takeshi is currently a partner at Ishizawa, Ko & Sato Law Offices. Takeshi serves a wide variety of clients, both Japanese and foreign, including corporations, audit firms, and tax accountants. He has also advised clients on multijurisdictional regulatory enforcement actions, investigations and civil litigation.

With extensive knowledge in corporate governance, he sits as a member of the Outside Directors Guidelines Project Team at the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA), and also the Companies Act Working Group Back-up Team.


 Takeshi serves as a member of the CSR Project Team at the JFBA. He has contributed to drafting JFBA's Guidance on Prevention of Foreign Bribery and JFBA’s Human Rights Due Diligence Guidance, a practical guideline for Japanese corporations and attorneys to promote anti-bribery compliance and conduct human rights due diligence as required by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.


Languages: Japanese, English, French (conversational)



Secretariat: 高橋大祐(弁護士)/ Daisuke Takahashi (Attorney)

藤野真也(研究者)/ Shinya Fujino (Researcher)

E-mail: / Phone: +81-4-7173-3761

〒277-8686 千葉県柏市光ヶ丘2-1-1麗澤大学企業倫理研究センター気付

c/o Business Ethics and Compliance Research Center, Reitaku University,

Hikarigaoka 2-1-1, Kashiwa 277-8686, Chiba, Japan

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