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Attorney at Law (Admitted in Japan/ State of New York/England & Wales)



He obtained his Bachelor of Laws from the University of Tokyo in 1988. Further, he pursued his Master of Laws from two universities in the United State that are: University of Pennsylvania, Law School (LL.M.) in 1993 and New York University, School of Law (LL.M. in Corporation Law) in 1994. In 1998 – 2000, he attended a training course at the Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan.

His professional works are as follows:

In 1988 – 1996, he worked for the Bank of Tokyo, Ltd. (Kanda Office, Capital Markets Division, and Legal Department). After the mandatory two-year training at the Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan, he joined Baker & McKenzie GJBJ – Tokyo Aoyama Aoki Koma Law Office in April 2000 and worked as a partner (2006- ) there, until he moved to Jakarta in January 2012.

There are so many works and represented clients, such as Japanese government agencies (JETRO, JBIC, NEDO, etc.), banks, securities companies, major manufacturing companies, trading companies, etc. in relation to cross-border transactions, foreign investment, emissions trading, structured finance, etc.  With respect to the businesses of Japanese companies in Indonesia, he assisted many clients which established joint venture companies, obtained finance from local banks, liquidated its subsidiary, started real estate development projects, filed a civil litigation and criminal report, researched foreign investment regulations or needed other various legal assistance in Indonesia.

From September 2003 until September 2004, he was stationed in Jakarta as Project Formulation Officer (Judicial Reform) of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and dedicated himself to judicial reform by the Supreme Court in Indonesia.

He is qualified to practice law in the State of New York (1994) and England & Wales (2020) as well as qualified to practice law in Japan (2000). 




Secretariat: 高橋大祐(弁護士)/ Daisuke Takahashi (Attorney)

藤野真也(研究者)/ Shinya Fujino (Researcher)

E-mail: / Phone: +81-4-7173-3761

〒277-8686 千葉県柏市光ヶ丘2-1-1麗澤大学企業倫理研究センター気付

c/o Business Ethics and Compliance Research Center, Reitaku University,

Hikarigaoka 2-1-1, Kashiwa 277-8686, Chiba, Japan

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