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METI Supported ABCJ/ GCNJ Annual Anti-Corruption Forum 2019

September 18, 2019

The ABCJ/GCNJ Annual Annual Anti-Corruption Forum was held on September 19, 2019.  This year, the Forum focused on three topics: Use of the plea bargaining system for anti-bribery cases;  Result of and response to the OECD phase 4 evaluation report; Promotion of collective actions through the Tokyo Principles. The forum was officially supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI).

ABCJ Featured on the NACC's Website

August 01, 2019

Courtesy Visit to NACC in Thailand

August 01, 2019

On August 2, members of ABCJ, Kengo Nishigaki, Tsutomu Hiraishi (Jakarta), Akira Takeuchi, Takeshi Naito, Shinya Fujino, Takeshi Yoshida and Rie Kuwabara, paid a courtesy visit to the National Anti-Corruption Commission ("NACC"), Thailand's anti-corruption law enforcement authority against senior officials and legislators, and exchanged a wide range of the opinions regarding NACC's anti-corruption efforts including NACC's guidelines ("Guidelines on Appropriate Internal Control Measures for Juristic Persons to Prevent Bribery of State Officials, Foreign Public Officials, and Agents of Public International Organizations"); the guidance for juristic persons to establish an anti-corruption compliance system; and NACC's support available for Japanese companies in Thailand that struggle with the local corruption issues.

Courtesy Visit to PACC in Thailand

August 01, 2019

On August 1, members of ABCJ, Kengo Nishigaki, Takeshi Naito, Shinya Fujino, Takeshi Yoshida and Rie Kuwabara, paid a courtesy visit to the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission ("PACC"), Thailand's corruption enforcement authority against inferior officials, and exchanged a wide range of the opinions regarding the local corruption issues in Thailand; PACC's anti-corruption efforts; and PACC's support available for Japanese companies in Thailand that struggle with the local corruption issues.

ABCJ Participated in OECD's On-Site Visit for Phase 4 Evaluation.

July 02, 2019

The OECD Working Group on Bribery pubiished the Phase 4 evaluation report of Japan's implementation of the Anti-Bribery Convention. ABCJ participated in the panel during the OECD's on-site visit for the evaluation and reported anti-bribery efforts and challenges for Japanese business. 

Support for JETRO's Anti-Bribery Seminar for SMEs

March 05, 2019

Together with Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ), ABCJ supported JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization)  to host a seminar on Anti-Bribery Measures for SMEs Promoting Oversea Business Development

ABCJ is committed to assisting the relevant organizations and agencies in raising the awareness on anti-bribery issues among SMEs and in promoting their collective actions.

ABCJ/GCNJ First Annual Anti-Corruption Forum

September 26, 2019

In order to promote anti-corruption collective actions in Japan, ABCJ and GCNJ will jointly host the first Annual Anti-Corruption Forum in Tokyo on September 27, 2018. This Annual Forum will create a platform for Japanese companies, experts, and other stakeholders to regularly discuss how to strengthen their anti-corruption practices and to promote their collective actions.  For the details, see the Forum flyer (Japanese).

ABCJ to be featured on the FCPA Blog

July 31, 2018

ABCJ was featured in the article "In Japan, anti-corruption pros band together to help companies comply"on the FCPA Blog.

Courtesy Visit to KPK in Indonesia

July 17, 2018

The members of ABCJ, Kengo Nishigaki, Tsutomu Hiraishi (Jakarta), Akira Takeuchi, Takeshi Naito, Shinya Fujino and Takeshi Yoshida, paid courtesy visit to the anti-corruption law enforcement authority in Indonesia, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupusi ("KPK", Corruption Eradication Commission in English), and exchanged the opinions on the Indonesian local corruption issues, KPK's efforts as anti-corruption activities and KPK's support available for the Japanese companies in Indonesia which struggles with the local corruption issues.

After exchanging the opinions, the joint press conference by KPK and ABCJ was held and the ABCJ's courtesy visit to KPK was reported by the local media.

Anti-Bribery Assessment Tool to be Featured on Nikkei Newspaper

January 07, 2018

The Anti-Bribery Assessment Tool, which was jointly authored by ABCJ and GCNJ, was featured on the special report entitled "Corporate Bribery Risks To Be Assessed by Investors" on the legal section of Nikkei Newspaper (Japanese).

G7 High level Workshop on Corruption Measurement

November 26, 2017

Dr. Shinya Fujino, ABCJ member and secritariat, joined the G7 High level Workshop on Corruption Measurement organized by the Foreign Ministry of Italy and spoke on anti-bribery issues in Japan and the ABCJ's engagement.


ABCJ Members' Articles to Be Featured on Liberty and Justice Magazine

February 14, 2017

ABCJ members authored feature articles in the section entitled  "Towards Effective Systems for Prevention of Foreign Bribery" on Liberty and Justice, 2017, No. 68, published by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (Japanese).


ABCJ Members' Article to Be Featured on International Anti Corruption Academy Publication

November 30, 2016

ABCJ members and secretariat, Attorney Daisuke Takahashi and Dr. Shinya Fujino, authored  "The Japanese Anti-Bribery Landscape and Collective Actions - Bar Association Guidance and Beyond” on IACAlumnus IssueXIII, December 2016, published by International Anti Corruption Academy.


ABCJ's Articles to be Published Serially on New Business Law Magazine

August 31, 2016

ABCJ members authored a series of articles entitled "Commentary to JFBA's Guidance on Prevention of Foreign Bribery" on New Business Law , No.1081-1097, published by Shoji-Homu (Japanese).


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Secretariat: 高橋大祐(弁護士)/ Daisuke Takahashi (Attorney)

藤野真也(研究者)/ Shinya Fujino (Researcher)

E-mail: / Phone: +81-4-7173-3761

〒277-8686 千葉県柏市光ヶ丘2-1-1麗澤大学企業倫理研究センター気付

c/o Business Ethics and Compliance Research Center, Reitaku University,

Hikarigaoka 2-1-1, Kashiwa 277-8686, Chiba, Japan

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