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腐敗防止 国際ウェビナーシリーズ第1回のご案内



Fighting against Bribery and Corruption together with Civil Society Organizations

: Introduction of business integrity initiatives by Transparency International

日時 2022年3月14日 午後6時~午後7時

場所 オンライン開催(Zoom)


参加費 無料

後援 グローバル・コンパクト・ネットワーク・ジャパン

(GCNJ: Global Compact Network Japan)


With restrictions on international travel due to the spread of Covid 19, realistic information on foreign corruption is hard to obtain. Nevertheless, the problem of corruption has not diminished in the world. In fact, there are some opinions that the problem is becoming more serious in some industries. Under these circumstances, there is concern that taking anti-corruption measures may have become an afterthought on the agenda of corporate and social issues. Thus, in order to sharpen focus on international trends in preventing corruption, we have decided to hear directly from overseas officials as well as experts and exchange opinions.


This seminar, first in a series, will feature two experts from Transparency International UK (TI-UK), the UK branch of Transparency International (TI), an international civil society organization that specializes in anti-corruption measures and provides evidence-based analysis. They will discuss TI-UK's research findings and good practices on transparency of corporate activities in high corruption risk areas and steps needed to minimize corporate corruption risk, from a broad perspective that includes not only bribery but also human rights and the environment.

※ 報告は基本的に英語で行っていただきますが、逐次、日本語による補足をいたします。質疑応答も日本語で行っていただくことが可能ですので、お気軽にご参加いただけると幸いです。


18:00〜18:30 講演

Rocio Paniagua氏(Head of Business Integrity, Transparency International UK)

Rory Donaldson氏(Programme Manager, Transparency International UK)

18:30〜19:00 パネルディスカッション・質疑応答

Rocio Paniagua氏(Transparency International UK)、Rory Donaldson氏(Transparency International UK)



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